Общая медаль за службу в Индии 1936-1939/India general service medal 1936-1939


Участник АК
27 Май 2009
Вот такая медаль за Индию.на гурте надпись, если можно уточнить что за человек




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Чего фото как с околоземной орбиты?
Видимо, беда с форматом.
В формате jpg пересохранить ее под новым именем (в независимости от того, в каком-формате оригинальное изображение).
Не вижу, что за планка.
Постарайтесь очень точно написать то, что нанесено на гурте. Включая точки.
Я постараюсь пробить её в архиве, но фото мало информативно.

North West Frontier
Bolschoe spasibo, Eto indus ?
Или индус или пакистанец, но тогда они все были индусами :-)
Вы точно переписали сюда надпись на гурте?
Илья ,Вы правы, сделал ошибку, такой вариант:

Ищу, ищу........:wink3:
Посмотрите в личку......
Даже с учётом исправления ошибки - что то с ней не так или ролла нет в архиве.
Не пробивается.....
Нужно гурт медали увидеть....
Фотографию в студию, если возможно.


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Проверил в двух доступных мне британских архивах.
Роллов по данным с гурта этой медали - нет.
Мне лично, в сравнении с другими медалями видится, что вмешательства в подпись не было, да и не имеет смысла. Эти медали не редкость.
Медаль конечно же нормальная.
Вопросов по ней нет.

Добавлю, что медаль сошла со стапелей Калькуттского монетного двора.
Вторым производителем медали был Лондонский монетный двор.

Лондон vs. Калькутта


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К медали (учреждённой 3-го августа 1938 года) шли две планки

North West Frontier 1936–37

North West Frontier 1937–39


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Сама медаль предназначалась для

All officers and men, authorised public and private followers and civilian personnel borne on the strength of a unit or formation, and to police and other civilian personnel who rendered full time active service employed in military operations in, or on the frontier of India.

Критерии планок выглядят так.

Clasp: "North West Frontier 1936-37"

To all officers and men, authorised public and private followers and civilian personnel borne on the strength of a unit or formation and to police and other civilian personnel who rendered full time active service:

(a) Between midnight 24th/25th November, 1936 and midnight 16th/17th January, 1937, within the geographical limits:

Barmansar Point 1760 (7870) to Mir Khan Khel (3669) to cross road 5861, thence south-west to Soraragha Post (0703), thence north-west to Razani (9437); to Lwarganarai (8945), thence west to Sarrum (6646), thence north east to Barmansar; and/or

(b) Between midnight 16th/17th January, 1937 and midnight 15th/16th December, 1937, within the geographical limits:

From the junction of the Indo-Afghan frontier and the tribal boundary 12 miles west of Thal in Kurram eastward along the tribal boundary but exclusive of Thal, thence south-eastward along the tribal boundary to its junction with the boundary between Kohat and Bannu Civil Districts (2348); thence south-eastwards along the civil district boundary to its junction with the Punjab boundary (1001); thence northward and eastward along the Punjab boundary where it meets the river Indus (Mullawali); thence southward along the river Indus, including Mari Indus, to the boundary between Dera Ismail Khan and Dera Ghazi Khan civil districts (Mungar); thence westward along this boundary to its junction with the Baluchistan and North-West Frontier Province boundary (Chitarwata); thence northward and westward along the inter-province boundary to its junction with Indo-Afghan frontier 10 miles west of Gul Kach; thence northward along the Frontier to its junction with the tribal boundary 12 miles west of Thal in Kurram.

Clasp: "North West Frontier 1937-39"

To all officers and men, authorised public and private followers and civilian personnel borne on the strength of a unit or formation and to police and other civilian personnel who rendered full time active service:

(a) Between midnight 15th/16th December, 1937 and midnight 31st December, 1938 / 1st January, 1939; within the geographical limits:—
From the junction of the Indo-Afghan frontier and the tribal boundary 12 miles west of Thal in Kurram eastward along the tribal boundary but exclusive of Thal; thence south-eastwards along the tribal boundary to its junction with the boundary between Kohat and Bannu Civil districts; thence south-eastwards along the civil district boundary to its junction with the Punjab boundary; thence northward and eastward along the Punjab boundary where it meets the river Indus (Mullawali); thence southward along the river Indus, including Mari Indus, to the boundary between Dera Ismail Khan and Dera Ghazi Khan civil districts (Mungar); thence westward along this boundary to its junction with the Baluchistan and North West Frontier Province boundary (Chitarwata); thence northward and westward along the inter-provincial boundary to its junction with the Indo-Afghan frontier 10 miles west of Gul Kach; thence northward along the frontier to its junction with the tribal boundary 12 miles west of Thal in Kurram; and/or

(b) Between midnight 15th/16th June, 1938 and midnight 1st/2nd November, 1938, within the geographical limits:

That portion of the Kohat civil districts bounded by a line drawn from but excluding Thal in Kurram eastward to and including Banda Daud Shah; thence southward to junction of the inter-provincial boundary (Punjab—North West Frontier Province) with the boundary between the Bannu and Kohat civil districts.

(c) Between midnight 31st December, 1938 / 1st January, 1939 and midnight 31st December, 1939/ 1st January, 1940, within the geographical limits:

From the junction of the Indo-Afghan frontier and the tribal boundary 12 miles west of Thal in Kurram eastward along the tribal boundary to but exclusive of Thal in Kurram; thence eastward to and inclusive of Banda Daud Shah; thence southward to the junction of the inter-provincial boundary (Punjab—North West Frontier Province) with the boundary between the Bannu and Kohat civil districts; thence northward and eastward along the Punjab boundary to where it meets the river Indus (Mullawali); thence southward along the river Indus, to the boundary between the Dera Ismail Khan and Dera Ghazi Khan civil districts (Mungar); thence westward along this boundary to its junction with the Baluclistan and North West Frontier Province boundary (Chitarwata); thence northward and westward along the inter-provincial boundary Baluchistan and North West Frontier Province to its junction with the Indo-Afghan frontier 10 miles west of Gul Kach; thence northward along the frontier to its junction with the tribal boundary 12 miles west of Thal in Kurram.
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