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To Buy or Not To Buy
I already saw that. Translation: Saw it; passed on it 'cause it was too expensive.
I passed on it. (Tone of vote implies it is not original.) Translation; If it's too expensive for my collection, so it's too expensive for yours.
It's not sexy enough. Translation: If it's not from a combat general who personally blew up 20 enemy tanks using egg grenades, pulling the pins with his bare teeth, during the Battle for Berlin, I'm not interested.
I'm only collecting; German Paratrooper items pre-1933. Translation: I'll be saving lots of $s. This stuff's so rare, I'll never find anything, but it makes me sound like an advanced collector anyway.
I might be interested. Translation: Only if you give it away.
I might be interested, but I don't want to pay the going rate. Translation: I'm super cheap and will buy it only if you give it away.
I pay more than anybody else. Translation: I want to pay less than everybody else.
It's not like the one I had. Translation: I don't think it's real.
It's not what I thought it would be. Translation: I krow I couldn't sell it for triple your price, so I'm not buying it.
It's not the condition I like. (of an ultra rare, rarely encountered piece). Translation: I'm broke.
I'll wait till a better one comes along. (also of an ultra rare, rarely encountered piece.)Translation: I'm still broke.
I know I'll find one in my price range someday. Translation: When l do, it won't be the best condition, but I'll have to be happy with it.
I'll be back. Translation: To see if you are ready to give it away at the end of the show.
I might be back. Translation: If I don't find one cheaper, either real or not, from someone else.
Would you take less ? Translation: Even if you say ''yes,'' I still have to think about it.
I'll have to think about it. Translation: It's sure fun to pretend to be interested, even if I have no intention of buying.
I don't need to get your list because I don't buy by mail order. Translation: I'm too cheap to pay a few bucks for your list. And besides, I hardly buy anything anyway.
There's a guy in the other row selling his for less. Translation: It's comparing apples & oranges, but I'm hopeful this ploy might work.
There 's a chip / scratch / dent / nick / moth nip / hole here. Translation: it's the best one I've ever seen, but I've got to get the price down.
Appraisal Service
I'm taking offers. Translation; I want a free appraisal and I have no intention of selling.
If you make a good offer... Translation; You'll never buy it; someone will always pay 5 cents more at the next show.
Well, I had a better offer. Translation: Someone paid 5 cents more.
I already have someone who is interested. Translation; But if you'll pay more, it's yours.
I brought it for a friend... to find out what it's worth. Translation: It belongs to this guy, but he's either too clever or too ashamed to admit it.
I'm just here to find out what it's worth for a friend. Translation: It's really mine and I'm hoping for a big hit.
Selling Jargon
I don't need the money. Translation: I don't need the money, so I'll charge twice what it's worth because I'm greedy.
Well I really need the money. Translation: I really need the money so I'll charge you twice what it's worth and pretend to give you a bargain.
Well, if you want a real one.. Translation: Be prepared to pay double the going price.
The last one sold for $$$ in auction 3 years ago. Translation: I want $$$ plus inflation coverage for those last 3 years.
I'll put it in auction, I'll get a lot more. Translation: l don't know what it is or what it's worth, but I'm hopeful.
I don't know exactly what it's worth, but I want X$. Translation: Knows down-to-the-penny the value.
I'll sell you this for half what I paid. Translation: Sells everything for half, but makes it up in volume.
I just want to get my money out of it. Translation: ...and make a huge profit.
All I want is what I have in it. Translation: If you believe that, I'll tell you another one.
I'm thinning out my collection. Translation #1: Because I want to fatten up my wallet at your expence. Translation #2: Maybe I can get some sucker to buy my mistakes.
Took it off a body myself. Translation: Never even been in the military. but it sounds good and sells a lot of worthless crap.
Had it made in a Saigon tailor shop back in .69. Translation: Wife made it yesterday on her Singer sewing machine and then dipped it in some oriental tea.
Brought it back myself from the ''Big One. Translation: Made it myself while serving two years on a morals charge in the state pen.
You can trust me. Translation: I'm the biggest crook in the show and I'll screw you out of your last penny.
I don 't know What do you think? (Asked of 30 collectors at one show.) Translation: I wouldn't know a real one if it fell on me and besides, I've already made up my mind and just want you to verify I'm right.
Sure its real. Translation #1: It's as good as my word. Translation #2: You can see, touch, feel and smell it, so it has to be "real".
Nobody believes it. but I know it's real. Translation: Worst piece of crap you have ever seen.
I don 't think I've ever seen another one like that. Translation: Kiss of death. Once words gets around, real or not, you can't give that piece away.
I don't think I have ever seen a real one. Translation: And wouldn't know it if he had.
Well, it might be real... Translation #1: I want you to pass on it. so I can buy it. Translation #2: I want you to pass on that one, so I can sell you one of mine.
Gee. I'm not sure. Translation: I want you to pass on it, so I can buy it.
Would you look at this piece and tell me what you think? Translation #1 : I'd never spend a dime with you, but I highly value your free opinion. Translation #2: I'd never pay your slightly higher price for what appears to be the same item, when I might get what could be a real one cheaper from someone else and get your free opinion as well.
Justification Jargon
It's a great investment. Translation: In 5 years. you might get your money back... if you're lucky.
I save money on books so I can buy more for my collection. Translation: It gives me more money to spend on fakes.
I need it for my collection. Translation: I'll steal it if I have to.
I guarantee it. Translation: But you don't have my real name, telephone or address, so try finding me again!
I have a double your money back guarantee you're not satisfied with the piece. Translation: But you'll never see me again.
I traded for it. Translation: That was my mistake, now it can be your mistake.
I know a guy who'll pay more. Translation: You're my last straw and I'll do anything to make sure you buy it.
Name Dropping
___________said it's real. Translation: I'm asking your opinion for conversation's sake, but what you say really doesn't matter because I believe every thing __________ tells me.
I bought it from ___________. Translation: I'm proud to have paid too much.
I sold it to ______________. Translation: I'm proud to have given it away.
___________ has one in his collection. Translation: Wouldn't own it if you paid him.
_____________ has told it belonged to ____________. Translation: Made yesterday.
______________ says it's a fake. Translation: But I want it to be real, so please tell me it is.
__________________sells them for $X's. Translation: I want to get the same amount for this piece as he does for his.
I brought it to sell to _________________. Translation: But if you'll pay more, it's yours.
I bought it for _____________ and now he doesn't have the money. Translation: Knows nothing about it and wouldn't touch it if he did.
________________ only sells fakes. Translation: has great real pieces, but I'm jealous.
________________ only has real stuff. Translation: A true believer...
Let's show it to ______________ and see what he has to say. Translation: Hey, I can show it to ______________, get an authentication and free appraisal all in one shot.
It came from the family. Translation: Every faker has a family!
It came from a vet. Translation: It came from anybody who was never in the military.
My uncle/father/ grandfather/dog brought it back. Translation: I bought it, found out it's a fake and now want to push it off on you.
I have one just like it in my collection. Translation: Mine is real, this one's fake... but they do look somewhat alike.
Anonymous. Translation: I don't care to sign my name to this....

To Buy or Not To Buy
I already saw that. Translation: Saw it; passed on it 'cause it was too expensive.
I passed on it. (Tone of vote implies it is not original.) Translation; If it's too expensive for my collection, so it's too expensive for yours.
It's not sexy enough. Translation: If it's not from a combat general who personally blew up 20 enemy tanks using egg grenades, pulling the pins with his bare teeth, during the Battle for Berlin, I'm not interested.
I'm only collecting; German Paratrooper items pre-1933. Translation: I'll be saving lots of $s. This stuff's so rare, I'll never find anything, but it makes me sound like an advanced collector anyway.
I might be interested. Translation: Only if you give it away.
I might be interested, but I don't want to pay the going rate. Translation: I'm super cheap and will buy it only if you give it away.
I pay more than anybody else. Translation: I want to pay less than everybody else.
It's not like the one I had. Translation: I don't think it's real.
It's not what I thought it would be. Translation: I krow I couldn't sell it for triple your price, so I'm not buying it.
It's not the condition I like. (of an ultra rare, rarely encountered piece). Translation: I'm broke.
I'll wait till a better one comes along. (also of an ultra rare, rarely encountered piece.)Translation: I'm still broke.
I know I'll find one in my price range someday. Translation: When l do, it won't be the best condition, but I'll have to be happy with it.
I'll be back. Translation: To see if you are ready to give it away at the end of the show.
I might be back. Translation: If I don't find one cheaper, either real or not, from someone else.
Would you take less ? Translation: Even if you say ''yes,'' I still have to think about it.
I'll have to think about it. Translation: It's sure fun to pretend to be interested, even if I have no intention of buying.
I don't need to get your list because I don't buy by mail order. Translation: I'm too cheap to pay a few bucks for your list. And besides, I hardly buy anything anyway.
There's a guy in the other row selling his for less. Translation: It's comparing apples & oranges, but I'm hopeful this ploy might work.
There 's a chip / scratch / dent / nick / moth nip / hole here. Translation: it's the best one I've ever seen, but I've got to get the price down.
Appraisal Service
I'm taking offers. Translation; I want a free appraisal and I have no intention of selling.
If you make a good offer... Translation; You'll never buy it; someone will always pay 5 cents more at the next show.
Well, I had a better offer. Translation: Someone paid 5 cents more.
I already have someone who is interested. Translation; But if you'll pay more, it's yours.
I brought it for a friend... to find out what it's worth. Translation: It belongs to this guy, but he's either too clever or too ashamed to admit it.
I'm just here to find out what it's worth for a friend. Translation: It's really mine and I'm hoping for a big hit.
Selling Jargon
I don't need the money. Translation: I don't need the money, so I'll charge twice what it's worth because I'm greedy.
Well I really need the money. Translation: I really need the money so I'll charge you twice what it's worth and pretend to give you a bargain.
Well, if you want a real one.. Translation: Be prepared to pay double the going price.
The last one sold for $$$ in auction 3 years ago. Translation: I want $$$ plus inflation coverage for those last 3 years.
I'll put it in auction, I'll get a lot more. Translation: l don't know what it is or what it's worth, but I'm hopeful.
I don't know exactly what it's worth, but I want X$. Translation: Knows down-to-the-penny the value.
I'll sell you this for half what I paid. Translation: Sells everything for half, but makes it up in volume.
I just want to get my money out of it. Translation: ...and make a huge profit.
All I want is what I have in it. Translation: If you believe that, I'll tell you another one.
I'm thinning out my collection. Translation #1: Because I want to fatten up my wallet at your expence. Translation #2: Maybe I can get some sucker to buy my mistakes.
Took it off a body myself. Translation: Never even been in the military. but it sounds good and sells a lot of worthless crap.
Had it made in a Saigon tailor shop back in .69. Translation: Wife made it yesterday on her Singer sewing machine and then dipped it in some oriental tea.
Brought it back myself from the ''Big One. Translation: Made it myself while serving two years on a morals charge in the state pen.
You can trust me. Translation: I'm the biggest crook in the show and I'll screw you out of your last penny.
I don 't know What do you think? (Asked of 30 collectors at one show.) Translation: I wouldn't know a real one if it fell on me and besides, I've already made up my mind and just want you to verify I'm right.
Sure its real. Translation #1: It's as good as my word. Translation #2: You can see, touch, feel and smell it, so it has to be "real".
Nobody believes it. but I know it's real. Translation: Worst piece of crap you have ever seen.
I don 't think I've ever seen another one like that. Translation: Kiss of death. Once words gets around, real or not, you can't give that piece away.
I don't think I have ever seen a real one. Translation: And wouldn't know it if he had.
Well, it might be real... Translation #1: I want you to pass on it. so I can buy it. Translation #2: I want you to pass on that one, so I can sell you one of mine.
Gee. I'm not sure. Translation: I want you to pass on it, so I can buy it.
Would you look at this piece and tell me what you think? Translation #1 : I'd never spend a dime with you, but I highly value your free opinion. Translation #2: I'd never pay your slightly higher price for what appears to be the same item, when I might get what could be a real one cheaper from someone else and get your free opinion as well.
Justification Jargon
It's a great investment. Translation: In 5 years. you might get your money back... if you're lucky.
I save money on books so I can buy more for my collection. Translation: It gives me more money to spend on fakes.
I need it for my collection. Translation: I'll steal it if I have to.
I guarantee it. Translation: But you don't have my real name, telephone or address, so try finding me again!
I have a double your money back guarantee you're not satisfied with the piece. Translation: But you'll never see me again.
I traded for it. Translation: That was my mistake, now it can be your mistake.
I know a guy who'll pay more. Translation: You're my last straw and I'll do anything to make sure you buy it.
Name Dropping
___________said it's real. Translation: I'm asking your opinion for conversation's sake, but what you say really doesn't matter because I believe every thing __________ tells me.
I bought it from ___________. Translation: I'm proud to have paid too much.
I sold it to ______________. Translation: I'm proud to have given it away.
___________ has one in his collection. Translation: Wouldn't own it if you paid him.
_____________ has told it belonged to ____________. Translation: Made yesterday.
______________ says it's a fake. Translation: But I want it to be real, so please tell me it is.
__________________sells them for $X's. Translation: I want to get the same amount for this piece as he does for his.
I brought it to sell to _________________. Translation: But if you'll pay more, it's yours.
I bought it for _____________ and now he doesn't have the money. Translation: Knows nothing about it and wouldn't touch it if he did.
________________ only sells fakes. Translation: has great real pieces, but I'm jealous.
________________ only has real stuff. Translation: A true believer...
Let's show it to ______________ and see what he has to say. Translation: Hey, I can show it to ______________, get an authentication and free appraisal all in one shot.
It came from the family. Translation: Every faker has a family!
It came from a vet. Translation: It came from anybody who was never in the military.
My uncle/father/ grandfather/dog brought it back. Translation: I bought it, found out it's a fake and now want to push it off on you.
I have one just like it in my collection. Translation: Mine is real, this one's fake... but they do look somewhat alike.
Anonymous. Translation: I don't care to sign my name to this....