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Кавалер - полковник George Ireland Fraser (1876-1929)


Кратенько о полковнике

Colonel George Ireland Fraser, C.M.G., D.S.O. (1876-1929), commissioned Second Lieutenant Cameron Highlanders, May 1898, and was immediately posted to Darmali for service with the 1st Battalion in the Sudan; advanced Lieutenant, December 1898; was serving with the regiment in Malta in 1903 when 'on the 16th of April His Majesty King Edward arrived in Malta, and the Cameron Highlanders were employed in lining the streets, being posted in Strada Reale and the Palace Square. On reaching the Palace His Majesty inspected a Guard of Honour under Captain G.I. Fraser' (Records of the Cameron Highlanders, Vol. 2 refers); served as Adjutant 4th Battalion, from 1904. Appointed Brigade Major, 59th Infantry Brigade, September, 1914; served 12th Army Corps, British Salonika Force, September 1915-February 1917; advanced Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, June 1917; (Four times M.I.D. L.G 13/7/1916, 11/6/1918, 30/1/1919 and 5/6/1919). Appointed Instructor at Senior Officers' School, Sheerness, 1927; he died whilst serving at the latter as recorded in the regimental history, 'all ranks were grieved to hear on 9th April of the death of Colonel G.I. Fraser, C.M.G., D.S.O., Instructor at the Senior Officers' School at Sheerness, who passed away quite suddenly when on duty. He had recently vacated the command of the 2nd Battalion, with all ranks of which, being of a cheery warm-hearted nature, he had been very popular. It was generally felt that the regiment, which, during his period of command, had won a great name for itself for military efficiency and skill in all forms of manly sport, had lost a loyal comrade and true friend. He had shared with one or two others the task and the credit of reconstructing the 2nd Battalion after the war. He was buried, in accordance with a wish which he had expressed, in Tomnahurich Cemetery, Inverness, in which town he was well known and much respected, having held for several years there the Adjutancy of our Volunteer battalion'; in later life he had resided at Barony House, Lasswade, Mid Lothian


за 3,3 кг фунтов на Spink как-то продалась
Так ещё всю группу повторим :cools:


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за 3,3 кг фунтов на Spink как-то продалась

Помню,в 1999 в Брно такой был у Клима за 15 000 крон в этуе на одного бравого генерала-легионера,но Командер.Никто не брал.А сколько у Клима в те времена и Крестов для выдающихся пилотов и разного добра,про Сербию и не говорю.Он тогда начинал торговать фалерой,до этого только марками и открытками занимался.Да,были времена.Я в то время поставил своей целью покупку только советских наград.
очень даже приятная :45: !
( а греки у нас на форуме вообще не представлены ... )

Игорь,поставь тему,я сразу туда один Военный крест 1МВ и добавлю.Фениксов,Георгиев ни Спасителей у меня нет,хотя ими часто легионеров жаловали.Помню, 2-3 года на аукро проходило несколько греческих с красивыми цветными дипломами.
Игорь,поставь тему,я сразу туда один Военный крест 1МВ и добавлю.Фениксов,Георгиев ни Спасителей у меня нет,хотя ими часто легионеров жаловали.Помню, 2-3 года на аукро проходило несколько греческих с красивыми цветными дипломами.

Микулаш :drinks: