У известного дилера продавался этот крест. Tак как меня интересует всякие "не стандартные" ЖК2, можеть кто знает(читал, видел и т.д.) об этих крестах и поделится знаниями
В описании было: "An example of the Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939. So called Veterans Cross. Most likely manufactured shortly after the war by the company of Rudolf Souval from Vienna and sold at veterans meetings or shows.
Good condition with all the black paint on the core, the frames with patina. Three piece construction and magnetic. Good quality construction..."

В описании было: "An example of the Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939. So called Veterans Cross. Most likely manufactured shortly after the war by the company of Rudolf Souval from Vienna and sold at veterans meetings or shows.
Good condition with all the black paint on the core, the frames with patina. Three piece construction and magnetic. Good quality construction..."