Болгарский орден За Гражданские Заслуги, Гранд Кросс, награжден высокий чин из СА - SA-Stabschef Viktor Lutze. Ордена на фото к сожаланию нет, но имеется немецкая версия наградного документа.
Germany, SA. A Rare Award Document for a Grand Cross of the Bulgarian Order of Civil Merit to SA-Stabschef Viktor Lutze
(Bulgarischen Zivilverdienstorden Verleihungsurkunde). A rare award document for a Grand Cross Bulgarian Order of Civil Merit, constructed of off-white card stock with black ink, named to Sturmabteilung (SA) Stabschef Viktor Lutze, issued in Berlin on 30 September 1940, featuring a facsimile signature of AH and a handwritten signature of Otto Meissner, as well as an embossed Reichs Chancellery seal, measuring 210 mm (w) x 302 mm (h), accompanied by a period original postcard, the obverse depicting a portrait of Lutze in uniform and with awards clearly visible.