Георгиевский крест англичанина

сам георгиевский кавалер


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нох айн

Lieutenant G. Wear, 2nd Dragoon Guards, late Essex Yeomanry

1914-15 Star (1064 Pte., Essex Yeo.); British War and Victory Medals, M.I.D. oak leaf (Lieut.); Russia, St. George Cross for Bravery, 4th Class, silver, reverse numbered, ‘127307’, good very fine


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A Rare D.S.M. Group of 6 awarded to W.O. Class II John Harrison, Machine Gun Corps (Motors), late Royal Naval Air Service, awarded the D.S.M. for his services at the action in Galicia at Brzezany on the 1st of July, 1917, and two Russian decorations for his service with the RN Armoured Car Division, comprising: Distinguished Service Medal, GVR (F.2893. J. Harrison, P.O. Mech. R.N. Armd Cars. Austria. 1st July. 1917.); 1914-15 Star (F.2893, J. Harrison, P.O.M., R.N.A.S.); British War and Victory Medals (80263 W.O. Cl. 2. J. Harrison M.G.C.); Russia, Cross of St George, 4th Class, in silver, numbered 131302; and Russia, Medal for Bravery, 4th Class, in silver, No.1032302, court-mounted, polished, good very fine and rare (6) NOTE: D.S.M.: London Gazette, 30 November 1917: for miscellaneous services’. John Harrison was born on the 11th of December, 1895 in Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, and he enlisted for service with the Royal Navy on the 30th of December 1914 as a Petty Officer Mechanic. Whilst on attachment with the Royal Naval Air Service, he joined the Armoured Cars Division with whom he saw action at Brzezany, Russia (in what is now Western Ukraine). W.O. Class II John Harrison is mentioned by name in the despatch of Commander Locker-Lampson for this action, who wrote: ‘I would also venture to bring to the notice of their Lordships the work of the following Chief Petty Officers and Petty Officers: C.P.O. John MacFarlane (killed) F.2863; P.O.M. John Harrison F.2893; George Gardner, F.9891; John Marshall McEwan (wounded) F.10029. These were volunteers who assisted Lieut.-Commr. Smiles to repair the roads under very heavy fire during the attack on Brzezany’. In ‘The Czar’s British Squadron’ by Perrett and Lord, the action at Brzezany on the 1st of July 1917 is described as follows: ‘The cars were due to cross their start line at 09.55 and the infantry to go over the top five minutes later. Watched by Kerensky from a forward observation post, Wells Hood led out his squadron in the Rolls armoured. The cars gathered speed in a cutting and then burst out onto the wastes of No Man’s Land, Shells burst alongside the road ... bullets clanged off the armour, but within minutes they were level with the first line of enemy trenches and were enfilading them with their fire. ... While the Russian infantry came up Wells Hood protected the Corps’ left flank from interference, and then pressed on down the road to Brzezany until he found it blocked by a barbed wire and sandbag barricade. Smiles called for volunteers to go forward with him and remove the obstruction. He was joined by Chief Petty Officer MacFarlane, Leading Petty Officer Harrison and Petty Officers Gardner and McEwan, and together they crawled up the roadside ditch to the barricade, which was now under such shellfire that Locker Lampson wondered how any of them survived. Dodging shell-bursts, they were able at length to dismantle the structure piece by piece, but in the process MacFarlane was killed and McEwan badly wounded. The cars passed through ...’ He later joined the Machine Gun Corps (Motors) on the 26th of March 1918. Sold with copied Royal Navy and Army service papers, showing his home address as 6 Ashville, Shegoneil Avenue, Belfast.



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и ещё одна групка с Миртон и Иден , декабрь 1915

The Exceptionally Rare D.S.M. and two bars (both for North Russia) Group of 6 awarded to Chief Engine Room Artificer 1st Class James Paterson, Royal Navy, present aboard H.M.-25 during the attack upon Ostend, and also later in the various actions which took place on the Dvina River near Archangel in North Russia, where H.M.-25 engaged and sank the enemy gunboat Boguchi and attacked a number of batteries near Tulgas, prior to her eventual scuttling with the Allied withdrawal, this one of only two D.S.M. with two bar awards made in the Great War, comprising: Distinguished Service Medal, GVR, 2 clasps (269167. J. Paterson. C. E. R. A. 1Cl. H.M. Monitor, 25.); 1914-15 Star (269167 J. Paterson. C.E.R.A. 1., R. N.); British War and Victory Medals (269167 J. Paterson C.E.R.A. 1 R.N.), the latter with M.i.D.; Royal Naval Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (James Paterson, C.E.R.A. 2CL H.M.S. Seahorse.), and Russia, Cross of St George, 4th Class, in silver, numbered 248446, medals court-mounted for wear, lightly polished with a few contact marks, good very fine (6) NOTE: D.S.M.: London Gazette, 12 January 1916: ‘Belgian Coast operations’; D.S.M. (Bar): London Gazette, 12 December 1918: ‘White Sea Operations, Dvina & Vaga Rivers’; D.S.M. (2nd Bar): London Gazette, 12 December 1919: ‘for services in Russia, 1918, 1919’. Concerning the first D.S.M. award, Paterson and his vessel H.M.-25 are specially mentioned in Vice Admiral Reginald H S Bacon’s despatch of the 3rd of December, 1915, as follows: “On the 6th September I attacked Ostende with five monitors including General Craufurd (Commander E Altham R.N.) and “M.25” (Lieutenant-Commander B. H. Ramsay, R.N.), and damage was done to submarine workshops and harbour works. The enemy returned our fire with heavy guns of calibre probably larger than our own, and with considerable accuracy. Again the shooting on the part of our vessels was remarkably good, and the assistance rendered by the Auxiliary Craft most valuable.” Having taken part in these important operations on the Belgian coast, which also included an attack upon Zeebrugge, C.E.R.A. 1st Cl. Paterson was also involved in the action of the Dvina River near Archangel in North Russia . She was one of 5 such vessels used in this action, and using her 7.5-inch naval gun she quickly engaged and repelled the Bolshevik gun boats which had thus far hindered progress of the ground troops near the Dvina on the 26th and 28th of August, 1919. M-25 also was of much assistance in an attack upon enemy batteries near Tulgas, despite suffering some damage from a single direct hit and a number of casualties amongst her gun team, and she successfully sank the large gunboat Moguchi with two well-placed shells, as detailed in ‘Big Gun Monitors’ by Ian Buxton. Due to the falling level of the river soon after, both M-25 and M-27 returned to Archangel and scuttled on the 16th of September 1919, to prevent them falling into the hands of the Bolshevik forces. The original recommendation for Paterson’s first bar to the D.S.M. reads as follows: ‘In charge of Engine Room Department – kept machine in highest state of efficiency in Dvina River for 45 days during which time the ship was almost constantly at half an hours’ notice, & no opportunity for boiler cleaning. In every case, when negotiating the more difficult parts of the River Channel, [the] ship had to be steered by the screws, the rudder being useless in the basin (?). The slightest mistake in the handling of the engine would have entailed the loss of the monitor and the entire expedition.’ Paterson was later awarded another bar to his D.S.M. for services in White Russia, making his one of only two DSM & 2-bar awards were made during the entire Great War, the other being awarded to Deckhand L. Findlay, R.N.R. Paterson’s 2nd Bar recommendation reads as follows: ‘Was C.E.R.A. in charge of machinery of M.”25” during the winter and opening of the River Campaign in May 1919 – Relieved at the end of May 1919. He received a bar to his D.S.M. decoration for service in River Dwina, August to October 1918. Very much above average in ability and always ready with his machinery for any service. Looked after his machinery and department in the most efficient manner possible during winter. In action at River Front during May 1919. Very strongly recommended.’



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Не совсем понял по последней группе с ГК Б.М, кто награжден данным крестом? Моряк, Англичанин?

Chief Engine Room Artificer 1st Class James Paterson, Royal Navy

Техник 1-го класса Джеймс Патерсон

О его звании

Посмотрел номер креста. По книжке С.Б Патрикеева данным номером
был награжден Грек :dry:

1248446 (248446?) КАРАКОСТАС Г. — 7 греческий армейский экспедиционный
корпус. 5/42 пех. полк, солдат. За отличие в боях и отлично
усердную службу за время экспедиции корпуса в Россию.


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Вот бы Сам Сергей Борисович прояснил бы ситуацию ...
Английский корреспондент Робет Уилтон

"Вечером 7 июля 1916 года на позиции 67-й пехотной дивизии прибыл из Петрограда английский корреспондент газеты «Таймс» Роберт Уилтон. Этот корреспондент детство и юность провел в России, поэтому в совершенстве владел языком, знал обычаи и нравы страны.

8 июля 1916 года в бою у Скробово, во время атаки 267-го Духовщинского полка, корреспондент выделился храбростью и милосердием."


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Доброго времени суток, господа!
Получил свой подарок от Дедушки Мороза на праздники.
Вот такая медаль. (Извиняюсь за фото, уже вечер и свет ужасный). В приятной, красивой патине, но главное разумеется тут кавалер.
Российское Общество Красного Креста, Шотландский лазарет, сестра милосердия Кливер Мария Ивановна. За разновременную самоотверженную работу под огнем неприятеля. Ст. 145 п. 2 Георгиевского Статута.

А так ее звали соплеменники:
Mrs Mary Ellen Cliver. Nurse. London Unit
Срок службы: 30.08.1916 - 01.10.1917

Из того что я смог узнать из тырнета, информация кроме общедоступной такая.
01.09.1916 LONDON Unit set out for Russia. CMO: Dr Elsie Inglis and Evalina Haverfield Transport column. Known as " the greys" for their uniform.
December 1916 Dr Inglis agrees to place her unit under the Russian Red Cross as temporary measure. Sent to Ciulnitza- next target for attack. Bucharest falls next day.
30.12.1916 Wounded begin to pour to Galatz hospital. By the end of the first night the hospital is completely full with 109 wounded patients
04.01.1917 Order is given to evacuate Galatz. Dr Inglis insists upon staying until every last patient is taken to safety
20.03.1917 Prince Dolgorukoff, who commanded the Reni area, paid Elsie Inglises' unit a surprise visit and decorated some of the wounded and ALL unit members wo had taken part in the Dobrudja retreat with the St. George Russian medals "for bravery under fire".
Вот так. Крайне скудно, но дает понять общую картину кто куда и за что , дополнительно к той имеющейся инфо что есть в нете про Элзи Инглис и ее отряд.

Буду крайне признателен за любую дополнительную инфо об этой женьщине. Смог найти в ангийском архиве ее наградную? Карту. Инфы совсем мало. Может кто то более знающий и опытный поможет дополнить пробелы об ее службе и может жиненном пути.
Заранее благодарю за любую информации и внимание!


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Очень достойны подарок вы себе сделали!
Очень достойны подарок вы себе сделали!

Сам не ожидал и был приятно удивлен что под НГ выстрелит такая медаль.
Жаль не могу найти доп инфо пока что. Может кто знает как расшифровать наградную карту (значения в ней) и отталкиваясь уже от этого делать запрос дальше...?
Вроде и книги есть по воспоминаниям участниц, но пока что как говорят англичане dead end..
Единственное что смог найти еще, они относились к 1 serbian division на фронте.
В карте указано, что Mary E. CLIVER работала во Французском Красном Кресте медсестрой. На фронт прибыла в августе 1916 года на восточноевропейский театр (Македония, Сербия, Болгария, европейская часть Турции). Награждена Британской военной медалью (British War Medal 1914-20) и Победной медалью (Victory Medal).
Это всё.
В карте указано, что Mary E. CLIVER работала во Французском Красном Кресте медсестрой. На фронт прибыла в августе 1916 года на восточноевропейский театр (Македония, Сербия, Болгария, европейская часть Турции). Награждена Британской военной медалью (British War Medal 1914-20) и Победной медалью (Victory Medal).
Это всё.

Пётр, благодарю за помощь и что не прошли мимо!
Спасибо и с Наступающими праздниками!:drinks:


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