Литература по японской фалеристике

Несколько кратких обзоров книги.

With this book, Dr. Bortner has made a significant contribution to the understanding and collecting of Imperial Japanese relics. Imperial Japanese Good Luck Flags and One-Thousand Stitch Belts is the first book of its kind that focuses solely on these commonly encountered Pacific Theater relics. He has assembled a book that answers many of the questions that both novice and experienced collectors have had with regard to yosegaki hinomaru and senninbari. Through an extensive use of color photographs, the book provides illustrations of common artifacts as well as some of the rarest. Not only does the narrative explain the significance of the items, it makes recommendations on care, storage and display. A quality book.

- John Adams-Graf - The Military Trader

Thank you for the opportunity to review your new book Imperial Japanese Good Luck Flags and One-Thousand Stitch Belts. I opened the book on Friday and could not put it down for the entire weekend. This book is everything a collector book should be. The large format, full color presentation is a joy to read, and the chapter organization makes finding any topic easy. But I think more important is the evidence of thorough, scholarly research. I doubt that there will ever be a better book on the subject unless it is another edition by Michael Bortner. What a great service to the historian and collector.

- Jim Dawson - Author of Swords of Imperial Japan 1868-1945 Cyclopedia Edition

This great 285 page book covers an area in Japanese militaria collecting that has never been explored in print. It adds a new dimension to Japanese militaria collecting and is both comprehensive and well-organized. The book explains the history of many different categories of signed flags and contains photos of a large number of different flags with their translations. All of the flag categories are explained and photographs of flags with their translations are covered. One chapter covers flag authentication, a great reference since the book is sure to drive the prices of authentic flags sky high and tempt the fakers to try their hand. There are several chapters on the history and photos of the rarely seen today thousand stitch belts and vests. Also described are thousand stitch belt reproductions, an invaluable guide to the novice collector. The final chapter (Chapter 28) describes proper care, display, and storage of the flags and belts. No Japanese militaria collector's library is complete without it.

- Doss H. White - Editor of Banzai

As collectors and students of Japanese militaria, never before have we been shown such a display of variety and comprehensive study of Yosegaki flags and Senninbaris as do this magnificent new book authored by Dr. Michael Bortner. These highly personal items of the Imperial Japanese soldiers are each a history unto itself, a view into the life and times of the soldiers who took these items with him to battle, to know the affection and cheers from his family, his relatives, his comrades in arms, his personal friends, and the general citizens who supported the “hero soldier” in times of war. For many years, much of these “recordings” of human emotions from a bygone era have been folded away in drawers and closets, but here, with the tireless efforts of the author, they come alive once again in full color and regalia to speak again to the beholder of these fragments of history. A huge applause to Mike Bortner!

-Takehito Jimbo - Japanese militaria collector and historian
Содержание добавим :drinks:


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Николай, да вы просто волшебник, еще раз спасибо!

Вот если бы вы и эту книжечку достали............


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По новой книге Розанова скажу следующее - галопом по верхам (уровень вики).


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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Как обзорная брошюра может оказаться полезной для человека находящегося вне темы.
Бесконечно слабый материал с фалеристической точки зрения.


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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Бесконечно слабый материал с фалеристической точки зрения.[/QUOTE]

Ну может и так, но на русском не так много инфы, особенно по Китаю и Африке.:drinks:
Так если знать только русский, то и не стоит заниматься Китаем и Африкой :drinks:
АВТОР:Martin Michael J.
Название: Japanese Military and Civilian Award Documents, 1868-1945
Издательство: Schiffer
ISBN: 0764352024
ISBN-13(EAN): 9780764352027
ISBN: 0-7643-5202-4
ISBN-13(EAN): 978-0-7643-5202-7
Обложка/Формат: Hardback
Страницы: 208
Вес: 1.395 кг.
Дата издания: 28.11.2016
Язык: ENG
Иллюстрации: 178 colour photos
Размер: 23.11 x 29.72 x 2.54 cm
The history of Japan during the Imperial Age, 1868 to 1945, is rich and complex. Japan went from a feudal and secluded Asian nation to a world powerhouse in less than fifty years. Japan’s relationship with the United States was just as complicated, moving from reluctant trading partner to ally in war to enemy. The documents from this era are a piece of that history. This book is an introduction to the field of collecting Japanese award documents. Over sixty-five documents are featured in color photographs that highlight their beauty and details. The documents range from awards given to farmers for growing crops to the Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, signed by the emperor and given to a prime minister. The book also features tools to help the collector translate and identify documents, as well as to store and display them.
Фото какие смог найти.


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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Относительно недавняя и полезная книжка.
Фактически автор постранично выкладывает собственную коллекцию документов и кратко комментирует каждый.



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Стиль изложения материала.


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Корея и Маньчжоу-го


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Для внимательных читателей японского раздела АК материал книги не будет каким-либо откровением, но в целом, полезная обзорная работа по японским наградным документам.


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Саму книгу в руках не держал.
Сам автор мне известен. .
Рене написал десятки тоненьких книжек по униформе для издательства Osprey


Есть существенные подозрения, что этот томик может быть выполнен в традициях этого издания. Обещают правда помимо современных рисунков "rare early military regulations and related documents whose illustrations are also exquisite if totally unknown" ...


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Добавим содержание что ли :blush2:


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Содержание я видел :)
Ладно , попробуем купить , посмотрим что и как .
Давай. Поглядим тогда, какие там "ранние и совершенно неизвестные уложения" :wink3: