Alex Ponomarev
Да, награждались, в основном в Африке.
Капитан Люфтваффе, зенитчик.
Да, награждались, в основном в Африке.
такая вписывается сюда?"F.G": for medals awarded from 1833 to 1859 (and especially in the 1848-49 campaign, with a very narrow suspension loop)
"F.G" and the reverse inscription "SPEDIZIONE D'ORIENTE 1855 1856" for those awarded in the Crimean Capaign 1855-56 (also with a narrow suspension loop);
"F.G." for the medals awarded from 1859 to 1866 (also considering the types with the reverse inscription "GUERRA CONTRO L'IMPERO D'AUSTRIA";
"F.G." with the inscription "CAMPAGNA D'ANCONA 1860";
"F.G." and the reverse inscription "CAMPAGNA DELL'ITALIA MERIDIONALE 1860";
"F.G." and the reverse inscription "CAMPAGNA DELLA BASSA ITALIA 1860 -1861";
Его группа: