Миниатюры японских орденов и медалей в группах и не только

Немного об Генри на его родном языке

Henry Francis Oliver was born 22 January 1865. Entering the Royal Navy in 1878, he was appointed a Lieutenant in 1888, Commander in 1899, Captain in 1903 and Rear-Admiral in 1913. Oliver was Director of Intelligence, Admiralty War Staff, 1913-14 and Chief of Admiralty War Staff, 1914-17. Commanded the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron in 1918. Appointed Vice-Admiral in 1919, he commanded the Home Fleet, 1919 and the Reserve Fleet, 1919-20. Appointed Second Sea Lord, 1920-24 and C.-in-C. Atlantic Fleet, 1924-27. Promoted to Admiral in 1923, he attained the rank of Admiral of the Fleet in 1928. Placed on the Retired List in 1933, he was restored to the Active List in 1940. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry Oliver died on 15 October 1965.
Сэр Генри (довольно агрессивно) смотрит на тебя


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Ещё одна невероятная группа миниатюр
Эта принадлежали довольно-таки боевому парню и (по совместительству) адмиралу Sydney Robert Fremantle


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Опять янки :wink3:


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Кратенько об Адмирале можно вот так

Sydney Robert Fremantle was born on 16 November 1867, the eldest son of Admiral Hon. Sir E. R. Fremantle. He entered the Royal Navy in 1881 and was promoted to Lieutenant in 1887, Commander in 1899, Captain in 1903, Rear-Admiral in 1913, Vice-Admiral in 1919 and Admiral in 1922. Served in the Dardanelles and was mentioned in despatches. Commanded the 9th Cruiser Squadron, 1916; 2nd Cruiser Squadron, 1917 and the Жgean Squadron, 1917-18. Was Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff, 1918-19; Vice-Admiral Commanding the 1st Battle Squadron, 1919-21, and Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth Station, 1923-26. He retired in 1928. Awarded the Goodenough Gold Medal in 1888. Awarded the M.V.O. in 1909, C.B. in 1917, K.C.B. in 1919 and G.C.B. in 1929. Latterly living in Kensington, Admiral Sir Sydney Robert Fremantle, R.N. died on 29 April 1958.

Или с длиннотами вот эдак

А вот это чудо, говорят, принадлежало контр-адмиралу H. H. Share


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Аннушка на солнце


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Немного о H.H.

Hamnet Holditch Share was born in Penryn, Cornwall on 19 May 1864. Entering the Royal Navy in 1880, he served in the Egypt war of 1882 and served aboard the Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert during 1892-99. He was appointed Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Station 1899-1900 and Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief of the Australia Station 1901-03. During 1903-04 he held the post of Private Secretary to Admiral Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson, Governor of New South Wales and during 1904-8 held a similar post with Lord Northcote, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. In 1911 he was appointed Secretary to Vice-Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, then in command of the Atlantic Fleet, and remained with Jellicoe when he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Fleet 1914-17. Present at Jutland, he was awarded the C.B. in 1916 and gained the St. Anne 2nd Class, Rising Sun 3rd Class, Legion of Honour and Croix de Guerre for his war services. He served as Secretary to Admiral of Fleet Viscount Jellicoe on the Naval Mission to India and the Dominions, 1919-20 and was awarded the K.B.E. in 1920, retiring from the navy the following year. As Paymaster Rear-Admiral (retired) he was appointed Gentleman Usher in Ordinary to the King 1922-34 and was awarded the C.V.O. in 1934, the same year he was appointed Extra Gentleman Usher. Rear-Admiral Share died on 26 June 1937.
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Владелец этой группы известен - адмирал George Alexander Ballard


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О Жоре

George Alexander Ballard was born on 7 March 1862, a son of General J. A. Ballard C.B. Educated on H.M.S. Britannia, he entered the Royal Navy in 1875. As a a Sub-Lieutenant (Acting Lieutenant) on H.M.S. Hecla he served in the Eastern Sudan 1884, including the battle of Tamaai, and for his services was specially promoted to Lieutenant. During the Burma campaign of 1885-7 he served as Naval A.D.C. to General Prendergast and was mentioned in despatches. He served under Captain Clutterbuck, R.N. in H.M.S. Irrawaddy at the capture of King Theebaw’s steamer, the occupation of his palace and all subsequent operations on the river.

During the Boxer Rebellion, he was Commander in H.M.S. Iris. Promoted Captain in 1903, he commanded the battleships Commonwealth in 1909 and Britannia in 1910. He was appointed Director of the Operations Division, Admiralty War Staff in 1912 and A.D.C. to the King in 1913 and was awarded the C.B. in the King’s 1913 Birthday Honours List. Appointed Commodore 1st Class, as Admiral of Patrols in May 1914 and Rear-Admiral in August 1914.In September 1916 he was appointed Senior Officewr in charge of the Naval Establishment at Malta. After the war, further promotions followed, being appointed Vice-Admiral in 1919 and Admiral in 1924. He was placed on the Retired List in 1921. He died on 16 September 1948.

He was winner of the Gold Medal of the Royal United Service Institution and the first French-Gascoigne prize for 1897 and 1898. Awarded the French Legion of Honour, Commander (London Gazette 21 June 1918); Italian Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus, 4th Class (London Gazette 17 October 1919) and Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure, 3rd Class, then 1st Class (London Gazette 8 March 1920) .
Не удивительно, что участник подавления боксерского восстания и кавалер 3 и 1 степеней ордена священного сокровища написал в 1921 году вот такую книгу

The influence of the sea on the political history of Japan


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Немного рассыпухи ... Но какой!!!

Орден восходящего солнца с цветами павловнии и примкнувшие


Всё учтено :cools:

Впереди у нас одиночные миниатюры, а после них очередь дойдёт и до современных японских миниатюр :wink3:
Но прежде одиночных - вот такая убойная группа миниатюр.

Тут конечно главное китайцы.
Сокровище третье тут простой довесок ...


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