Планка за ближний бой

Не просто тяжело - нереально.
Я не там не зарегистрирован.:wink3:

Тогда вот сегодняшнее мнение человека по имени Том Дуранте -

"I agree with Thorsten, this is a postwar Souval badge.

It appears to me that they tried to use the same wartime die for these badges, but it didn't come out quite right and left the bayonet and other areas flatter than originals. But all these post-war badges look exactly like this, so its like they created a new die based on the old die.

These are typically found with the swastika, but here the simply cut it off. Perhaps to try and pass it off as a denazified original, or its a legitamate 1957 badge made by Souval for 57er wear. Either way, its still a postwar product IMO.
