Prince Aymon de Faucigny Lucinge et Coligny

Igor Ostapenko

Участник АК
30 Окт 2007
Помогите найти информацию об Prince Aymon de Faucigny Lucinge et Coligny .


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Его награды продавались в США в 2010 году

" Auction: European Furniture & Decorative Arts - 2498Location: BostonDate / Time : April 10, 2010 10:00AM

Extensive Collection of World War I Orders and Medals, comprising three frames: one mahogany frame containing four expedition medals, one Napoleon I 1824 St. Helene campaign medal with green and pink striped ribbon, and three Napoleon III campaign medals including Expedition de Mexique 1862-63 with ribbon, Campagne d'Italie 1859 with ribbon, and Expedition de Chine 1860, dia. approx. 1 1/8, all four mounted into a paper-wrapped double-sided mat, frame size 12 x 10; a giltwood shadow box frame containing three silver and enamel orders, one possibly Caucasian or Armenian, cruciform with white enameled arms, with red cloisonne enameled central roundel with stylized letter, white lettered border verso, and date 1878 recto, topped by a crown-form bail and wide red moire ribbon, lg. with crown approx. 3 1/8; the second a large Turkish order, star-shaped and molded with faceted beading, and central gold-washed tughra within red enameled script border with wide faille red and chartreuse striped sash, lg. of order 4; the third a smaller Turkish order, also star-shaped and similarly molded with same central section, on red enameled half moon and five pointed star bail, lg. with bail 4, all mounted in a black velvet mat mounted with a brass plaque to lower center engraved for Prince Aymon de Faucigny; the third and largest giltwood frame with thirteen orders in three rows: top row comprising (l. to r.): a French 1870 Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur, the laurel wreath bail accented with three faceted colorless pastes, on a red (likely chevalier's) ribbon; a French Croix de guerre 1914-1916, on green and red striped ribbon with two silver stars; a British Military Cross, centered by the monarch's initials GR of George V on white and purple ribbon; an American Distinguished Service Medal (Army), 1918, on red, white, and blue ribbon; and a European white cruciform order, the arms joined by green chevrons, topped by a crown-form bail, on a green ribbon with one rosette; second row: a white enameled cruciform order, likely German, centered by a black enameled eagle with a white cross on a red shield, the cross arms joined by wirework loops, on red and white ribbon; a Russian order bearing central date 1883, cruciform with white and blue enameling, the arms joined by double-headed eagles, crown-form bail, with white and pale blue ribbon, mounted above the star version of this medal, accented with cut steel; a Russian blue, white, and red cruciform order with crown-form bail, with white and red ribbon, mounted above the star badge version of this metal with parcel-gilt cut steel; a Romanian Grand Cross for Military Merit, on light blue and white ribbon: third row: Russian Order of St. Stanislas, possibly 4th Class, on red and white ribbon; and Romanian bronze Medal for the Jubilee of Carol I (Medalia Jubilara Carol I), military issue, 1906, on multicolored ribbon; all mounted onto a blue wool-lined backing, and bordered by a draped red, white, and blue military sash ending in gilt tassels, also mounted with engraved plaque.

Note: Both giltwood frames are mounted with engraved brass plaques for "Prince Aymon de Faucigny Lucinge et Coligny, 31 Mai 1862 - 1er Aout 1922." The plaque on the larger frame is also engraved "Maire de Saint-Biez-en-Belin." Prince Aymon was the son of Louis de Faucigny-Lucinge and Amanda de Mailly. He married Carolyn Foster, an American and Massachusetts native, in 1913. She died in 1936 in Providence, Rhode Island.

Provenance: Estate of N. David Scotti, Providence, Rhode Island.
Estimate $1,500-2,500

larger gilt frame dimensions= 26 x 23 in.
smaller gilt frame dimensions= 19 3/4 x 12 3/4
wood frame: 12 x 10 in.

In the larger gilt frame, the medals are all wired down to the backing with thin silver metal wire, so the backs of the medals are not available to be viewed. There are small spots of green enamel loss to the French Legion d'honneur medal, and a small spot of green corrosion to the point of the Russian blue and white cruciform order dated 1883. There are a few light, unobtrusive lines to the white enameling of the white and green cruciform medal at the top right of the upper row. The star badge with cut steel and blue and red enameling needs to have the central boss reattached, as it is currently loose, and can be removed from the badge.
The blue backing and the sash with a few scattered moth holes. Sash with fading, backing a little faded.
All with minor age wear and some age darkening.
Giltwood frames with losses to gilding.
The larger giltwood frame locks closed (there is a substitute key which helps open it, but that key is not the original, and is not guaranteed to open the cover in the event that the frame gets locked closed)."


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нашёл упоминание на


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но сербская, черногорская награды немного великоваты для драгунского капитана , как и турецкая с болгарской ( которые кроме всего врагам в WWI не вручались ).
возможно этот Prince был дипломатом до войны ?


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но сербская, черногорская награды немного великоваты для драгунского капитана , как и турецкая с болгарской ( которые кроме всего врагам в WWI не вручались ).
возможно этот Prince был дипломатом до войны ?
скорее всего. различные поездки, поручения, встречи, письма, переговоры. не на заводе же ему работать было:drinks:
наличие румынской юбилейной медали 1906 года может говорить об присутствии капитана на торжествах в Румынии :biggrin:


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я так понимаю, что там одним лотом продавалась довольно большая подборка


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хотя вполне потомки могли перепутать и намутить при собирании наград в витрины
( отец его умер в 1907 году, вполне мог присутствовать на юбилейных торжествах в Румынии в 1906 году )


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лот продался и был раздербанен ...
Стас французской работы до сих пор продаётся


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мечи на усиках


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таким он был на стенде


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мне досталась только DSM


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с номером 887


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единственный предмет со всего сета, который можно привязать к человеку со 100% уверенностью :biggrin:


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