А вот награжденные ЗоВО за войну 1877-1878 годов румыны
Младшие офицеры*
slt. r Matila Costiescu from the 3rd Artillery Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. r Eugen Costinescu, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. r Casimir Cugler from the 8th Line Infantry Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Alexandru Lens from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Ozar Lens from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Leon Leonida from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Ioan Marica attached to the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Ioan Nicolae from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Ioan Popovici from the 6th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Saul Scarlat from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Vasile Sturza from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Ioan Toncovici from the 7th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Dimitrie Trenc from the 7th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
slt. Theodor Zotoviceanu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. maj. Apostol Ionita from the 5th Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. maj. Horia Rosetti from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Constantin Brailoiu, from the 9th Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Ioan Bunea, from the 7th Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Nicolae Chiriac from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Nicolae Crihan from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Marin Croitoru from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Ioan Dumitrescu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. George Fotino from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Nicolae Frangopulo from the 6th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Vasile George from the 6th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. George Georgescu from the 6th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Constantin Grant from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Constantin Gradisteanu from the 6th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Ioan Grigore from the 2nd Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Alexandru Guta from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Vasile Herisescu from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Alexandru Iromescu from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. I. Lahovary from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. George Lambru from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Iordache Luceafaru from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Paul Lucasievici from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Constantin Manu from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver and 2nd class in gold
serg. Dumitru Manu from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Haralambie Milos from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Ioan Mitroi from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Nicolae Nicolescu from the 6th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. ? Nora from the 6th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Ioan Radulescu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Alexandru Rioseanu from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Grigorie Sandu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 5th class in silver
serg. Nicolae Stan Constantin Scarlat from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Constantin Sturza from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Mihail Vlahuti from the 2nd Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Simion Volani from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
serg. Petre Zeamaneagra from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Petre Bordescu, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Dumitru Candidatu, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Constantin Cimpoieru from the 5th Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Ilie Cioran from the 5th Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier George Danighi, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Ioan Efrem from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Ioan Marica from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Ioan Paun from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Vasile Pechianu, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Sterie Petrescu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Constantin Rosca from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Constantin Scarlat from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Vasile Scriitoru from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Theodor Teodorescu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Hariton Topala from the 5th Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
brigadier Dobre Vasiescu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Ioan Bescu, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Frant Bredar from the ? Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Nicolae Burcea from the Flotilla Corps, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Radu Calicu, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Tanase Cioroiu from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
George Constantin from the 5th Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
George Craciun, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Ioan Crangaru, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Gheorghe Cuchi, unknown unit, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Constantin Dumbraveanu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Vasile Florea from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Daniil Grinea from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
George Madular from the ? Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Ioan Nicolae from the 3rd Calarasi Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Dragu Nuta from the 6th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Ioan Oprea from the 6th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Dobre Paraschiva from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Marin Petrica from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
George Preda from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Nicolae Strita from the 1st Vanatori Battalion, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Ioan Toma from the 7th Dorobanti Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Andrei Udrea from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Eduard Uritescu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Leonida Urseanu from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Anton Vasile from the 1st Rosiori Regiment, Order of St. George 4th class in silver
Источник - Armata Romana in Razboiul de Independenta 1877-78 by Cornel Scafes, Horia Serbanescu, Corneliu Andonie and Ioan Scafes, Bucharest Sigma, 2001