Медаль Праведника Мира

Five Jews, members of the Blumenthal family, owe their lives to Pawel and Petronela Kuczko, who owned a small farm in the village of Bobrujszczyzna in the Vilna district. When they were already interned in the Vilna ghetto, representatives of the Blumenthal family contacted Petronela Kuczko’s sister, whom they had known for many years, and asked her to shelter them in her home on the Aryan side of the city. After they received an affirmative answer, Debora Blumenthal, her daughter Miki, and her nieces and nephews, Leon, Miriam and Rachel Blumenthal fled the Vilna ghetto and came to a pre-arranged hiding place. Petronela’s sister received the five Jewish refugees warmly, but after a few days it turned out that her apartment was not a suitable hiding place, because there was a danger that her neighbors might inform on them. As a result, the five refugees were moved to Bobrujszczyzna, where they were taken in by the Kuczkos, who, without receiving anything in return, arranged a hiding place in the loft of the pigpen in their farmyard. The Kuczkos sheltered the refugees, providing them with food and other necessities, all because of their profound love of humanity and their religious beliefs. All five members of the Blumenthal family stayed at the Kuczko farm until their liberation in July 1944 by the Red Army. A short time after their liberation, Rachel Blumenthal was killed during the last bombing raid on Vilna. After the war, Debora Blumenthal, her daughter Miki and her niece Miriam immigrated to Israel, while her nephew Leon immigrated to Canada. After the death of her husband, Petronela moved to an area within Poland’s new borders.

On June 13, 1988, Yad Vashem recognized Petronela Kuczko as Righteous Among the Nations.
On May 28, 2000, Yad Vashem recognized Pawel Kuczko as Righteous Among the Nations.
S P A S I B O !!!!!!!!!!

S U P E R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Гай и мне помог с информацией по последней медали -

Ivanauskienė, Elena
Ivanauskaitė-Ramanauskienė, Gedrutė
Ivanauskas, Gintautas

At the beginning of 1944, Lea Port was hiding in the forests near the village of Skovagaliai, Alytus County, along with Shmuel Ingel, who would later become her husband, and a group of Jews who had fled from various ghettos. On the verge of physical collapse from hunger, Lea decided to seek refuge in the village, and chose to knock on the door of a house at random and ask for food. Out stepped Elena Ivanauskienė, a poor peasant woman. She was a deaf mute. Seeing a young woman standing in the cold, in rags, she motioned her in. Lea introduced herself as the widow of a Russian officer and asked if she could temporarily stay with Ivanauskienė in return for sewing for her. Elena agreed. She treated her guest affably, but after she found out that Lea was Jewish, Elena’s attitude became even warmer. Out of the kindness of her hear, Elena agreed to take Samuel Ingel in as well. Fearing that her husband would object to this act of rescue, Ivanauskienė decided not to tell him that Lea and Samuel were Jewish, while her children, Gedrutė and Gintautas, knew the secret and were full partners in saving the couple. Ivanauskienė and her children saw to all the needs of the two Jews, and when the Germans began hunting down Jews in hiding in the village, they moved Lea and Samuel to a temporary hiding place in the woods where they waited for the arrival of the Russians.
On May 14, 1984, Yad Vashem recognized Elena Ivanauskienė and Gedrutė Ivanauskaitė-Ramanauskienė as Righteous Among the Nations.
On February 11, 1992, Yad Vashem recognized Gintautas Ivanauskas as Righteous Among the Nations.

СПАСИБО ! :drinks:
Сегодня и мне повезло, пока не пришло, но сегодня договорился с человеком!!!!
Посмотрел тему и захотел иметь!


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Шикарная ранняя медаль, работы Кречмера, в родной ранней коробке !
Но вручена украинцу в 1992 году !

Марик , уступи !!!
У меня такой нет ...
(моя серебряная работы Хехта )


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Система следующая, человек теперь пошел на попятную и продавать хочет дороже чем пообещал мне!
Вот дал ссылку и сказал что она стоит несметных денег.
Жду когда он ответит, сколько это намного дороже.
Марик , медаль конечно-же стоит денег , но не стоит перебарщивать .

Что интересно - по ссылке дата присуждения 1967 , тогда всё сходится - год и тип медали .
А учитывая то, что происходило между Израилем и СССР в этот период, неудивительно что медаль вручили только в 1992 году .
Игорь, не сглазь, дай получить!
Как получу, любые картинки покажу без проблем!!!!
И моя пока не дошла, думаю в это воскресенье заберу.
Господа, расскажите как понимать например награждение Грузина, вроде территория сов Грузии не была аккупирована, за что получил?
Он жил в другой стране и там спас Евреев?
Марик !
Конечно-же грузин жил в оккупированной стране .
Если не получится выкупить эту медаль , попроси фотографии :drinks:
Медаль Праведника , выданую грузину
Понятно , я просто подумал что тебе предложили медаль выданную грузину ...
Если бы мне предложили, я бы точно купил!