
Любопытная история с кинжалом СС. Лемми охотно раздаривал вещицы коллегам по цеху. Один из кинжалов СС он подарил Кейту Эмерсону из ELP. На протяжении 1970-77 г. этот кинжал был участником концертов группы. Кейт его всовывал куда-то в синтезатор, отгибал клавиши и получал необычный звук.


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Мне симпатичны их ранние альбомы.
Особенно Overkill и Bomber.


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Помянуть рокера можно просмотром документального фильма

Lemmy: 49% Motherfucker, 51% Son Of A Bitch


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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Это фрагмент из того самого 49% Motherfucker, 51% Son Of A Bitch :biggrin:
R.I.P. Lemmy...Даже не верится....
В "традиционных" местах :wink3:


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В "традиционных" местах :wink3:

Понятно что без традиционных мест не обошлось. Надеюсь что дилеры были честны с Лемми и фуфла не продавали.

Милитари шоу и форумы он наверное тоже посещал?
На ВАФе кто-то писал, что встречал его на SOS в Штатах.
Меня всегда терзала эта мысль...был ли он на форумах ?
I don't only collect Nazi stuff, I collect objects from all the 'axis countries.' Also from countries who aren't even mentioned anymore as former part of the axis. Like Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Hungary. OK, in the end, they all said, 'We're no Nazis' when they saw that the Germans were losing it. But five years before that, they went, 'Yeah!'" When asked where he gets the objects he collects, Lemmy replied, "The USA is a great place for collecting that ****, 'cause the GIs took everything back to America. They took ****ing warehouses full of uniforms, Mercedes staff cars. One guy shipped a Focke Wulf 190 fighter home in pieces and rebuilt it in America. Now he owns the only ****ing FW 190 in the world. I used to buy a couple of things in Germany, but now you can't take anymore knives or things back home in a plane. And it's become more relaxed to buy stuff like that [in Germany]. There's five or six stores in Hamburg especially. They're advertising it. What's the point, anyway? It's not a nationalistic kind of thing, I mean, what the **** are you gonna do? Pretend it never happened? There's airplane model kits of Messerschmidt 109 fighters. Shouldn't you touch them?" On the subject of whether people should wear uniforms, Lemmy stated, "I'll tell you something about history. From the beginning of time, the bad guys always had the best uniforms. Napoleon, the Confederates, the Nazis. They all had killer uniforms. I mean, the SS uniform is ****ing brilliant! They were the rock stars of that time. What are you gonna do? They just look good. Don't tell me I'm a Nazi 'cause I have uniforms.
Вот ведь гламурёныш :rolleyes:


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И на SOS и на MAX и не только на них :wink3:

Да, забавно было бы встретить его на милтари шоу.

Кстати, похоже что не только Лемми коллекционировал, к примеру Ozzy упоминает что тоже покупал кортики и мечи, дарил их Лемми, беседовал с ним о военной истории, книги по теме читали. Вот из последнего интервью в Rolling Stones в память Лемми:

I went over to his apartment. That place was unbelievable. There was more war memorabilia and things hanging off the wall than most museums. I've given him some swords and daggers over the years that I picked up. It was his hobby. We had an interest in that Second World War. But he was so intelligent about it. He knew so much about the history.

I also gave him a book about the Second World War, about some general or something. He says, "Come back in two hours." So I come back and he not only wrote me a bunch of lyrics, he had three sets of lyrics and he said to me, "That book was crap also." I said, "What book?" "The one you gave me." He had read a book in an hour.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/ozzy-osbourne-remembers-lemmy-he-was-my-hero-20151229
Джаггер тоже чего-то собирал (собирает?) :wink3:

Jap style :cools:


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